Explanation writing
Purpose: an explanation is written to explain how or why something in the world happens or how something works
Features of explanation writing
- Title, telling the reader what the topic is about using words how or why.
- A general statement to introduce the topic.
- A series of events in logical steps.
- Written in present tense.
- Use of action verbs to explain.
- Use of time connectives e.g. firstly, secondly, next, then, thereafter.
- Use of different forms of punctuation e.g. commas, punctuation.
- Use of topic words or technical language e.g. hatches, migrates etc.
- Diagrams can be used to add your explanation
Hi Shaima. Thanks for sharing your knowledge on Explanation Writing. Yes, each genre has its unique features. Your goal would be to use these as your tools to help you when you write an explanation.