
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Why is the sea salty Shaima Yr 5

                                                          Why is the sea salty

Seventy percent of the Earth is covered with water. Which means thirty percent of the Earth is  land. Most of the water is salty. Have you ever wondered why the sea is salty?

When it rains it rains, the water flows through the soil and into the rocks. The rocks contain a chemical called salt. This is how the water becomes salty. Then the water flows into the rivers and then the sea.

On a very hot day the water evaporates. The salt doesn’t evaporate. Only the water evaporates. This is what forms clouds.

Over millions and million of years the salty water has flowed into the rivers and then the sea’s, hence the water became salty.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


                                                     Tuesday 30 August
Insert the correct adjectives

A fool action: A foolish action
A storm sea: A stormy sea
An awe sight: An awful sight
A pity cry: A pitiful cry
A gold opportunity: A golden opportunity
A noise street: A noisy street
A mountain country: A mountainous country

A fame pianist: A famous pianist

Monday, August 29, 2016

Why animals should not be held in captivity Shaima Year 5

                                  Why animals should not be held in captivity

I strongly believe that animals should not be held in captivity. I will persuade you as to why animals should not be held in captivity.

God has created creatures to be free. They were meant to live in their natural habitat. Their natural habitat is suited and made for them e.g. polar bears live where there's snow and where it’s cold and a camel lives in the desert where it’s hot. Both animals would not  survive an hour in each other’s habitat. What right do people have to hold animals in zoos. Would you like to be held in a zoo? Zoos aren’t their natural habitat. Habitats are created for different animals e.g. Antarctica is created for penguins and polar bears.  In their natural habitat they’ll feel free and happy, which is healthy for them.

At the zoo's people mock and tease the animals. The animals get upset and angry. They might even attack you. Sometimes people throw rubbish or rocks at them. Would you like people to tease or throw things at you? One of the reason why they do this is because they want to see what the animals will do. The animals sometimes eat the rubbish that has been thrown and die.

Although the zoo’s feed the animals the food that they give is full of chemicals. Like a any other person it will affect the animal's health by making them sick. In their natural environment they will eat natural food. That will be beneficial for their bodies, because it will make them healthy and strong. Naturally I feel that zoos do more harm than good. The fact is that, if an animal is released after spending it’s whole life at the zoo it won’t survive in the wild. The animal won’t be able to find food and it will sustain itself . You may wonder why, and the reason to that is because in the zoos the food is always provided.

Animals don’t deserve to be held in cages. They give us food e.g. cows give us milk and chickens give us eggs. Here are two reasons why animals should not be held  in cages. Firstly people don’t care about the animals. They don’t care at all. Imagine if they were putting you in a cage. Would you like to be held in a cage? People would only care if they were putting their friends into cages. They would put an animal into a cage but they wouldn’t put a human. They shouldn't be doing these animals into cages, they are living creatures just like us. Secondly people want food. They don’t care what they're eating, they just eat it. But imagine if that was your dog or cat. Would you eat them?

Like all animals God created birds to be free. God didn’t create them to be held in captivity. God didn’t create birds to have their wings clipped, or to have their beaks taped shut. If a bird is released from captivity it won’t have wings and it won’t be able to fly. It will die from hunger because it has it’s beak taped shut. Tigers are natural predators. They hunt for their food. In the zoo’s the food is just given to them. This is how tigers lose their ability to hunt. If a tiger is released from the zoo it won’t be able to hunt and it will get eaten. Elephants are hunted for their tusks. Most of the time elephants are held in captivity for their tusks. After taking their tusks they would release them and the elephant will die.

As I have mentioned animals should not be held in captivity.I trust that I have provided you with adequate reasons as to why animals should not be held in captivity.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Word problem

If I paint 4 fences in 12 days how long will it take me to paint 40 fences? 120

My solution
Step 1: Draw a number line
Step 2: Write all the information you know
Step 3: Look for a relationship

Step 4: Do the same thing to the other side

4 fences 40 fences
Times 3 Times 3
12 days 120 days



Underline the preposition in each of the sentences below.
1- I put the cat on the table.
2- I wanted to go out until 8 0’clock.
3- She drove near the river.
4- During the storm we hid under the house.
5- She swam  across the river.

6- We played outside the park.

How animals survive in their natural habitat

                                   How animals survive in their natural habitats

Have you ever wondered how animals survive in their natural habitat? In this explanation, I will provide reasons, as to how animals survive in their natural habitat.

Cheetahs are carnivores which means they only eat meat. The cheetah is the fastest  land animal on the planet, it has long slim legs and it is very sleek. It can cut through air which allows it run very, very fast. Can you imagine running so fast? Some of the cheetah’s competitors are lions, leopards and hyenas. Its speed enables it to compete with these other animals. Without speed it’s survival  would be threatened.
Image result for cheetah
Birds can be all kinds of shapes and sizes, they are mostly small. Birds have limbs which help them fly, the limbs that help them fly are wings. Birds migrate which means flying to other parts of the world when it gets cold. If a bird does not migrate it, will die because of the cold climate. They also migrate to raise their young. Birds live and breed in most terrestrial habitats on all seven continents. Kingfisher birds have long beaks which help them catch fish. Their long beaks help their survival. Their feathers keep them them warm, if they didn’t have feathers they would be very cold and they could die.
Image result for bird
Ants get their food in summer, because they can’t move that much in winter. Can you imagine being an ant? Ants work together to get food, because one ant can’t push a whole piece of bread. It would be like one person trying to pick up, three boxes of wood at the same time. Their head has many sensory organs help them find food. Without their sensory organs they won't be able to detect food and their survival would be threatened.
Image result for ant
Dolphins are just like human beings even though they live in the ocean, they can’t breathe underwater either.There are many different species of dolphins e.g. bottle nose and spotted dolphins. Dolphins have two flippers, on the underside towards the head and a dorsal fin and a tail fin. Dolphins are very smart, they have a small brain at the top of their head. Dolphins are highly social animals, often living in pods of up to a dozen individuals.
Image result for dolphin
These are all the reasons as to how cheetahs, birds, ants, and dolphins survive in their natural habitat. I trust that your now have an idea.

why we should not eat junk food

                                             Why we should not eat junk food

I strongly believe that we should not eat junk food. I will provide you with adequate reasons as to why we should not be eating junk food.

Although junk food is tasty it is very high in salt and sugar. If you take in too much, sugar and you do not burn it off with exercise you could become diabetic. If you do become diabetic, you will have to have medication for the rest of your life. A sensible idea would be to not eat junk food every single day. In severe cases of diabetes gangrene sets in. This is when your body starts to rot because of of poor blood flow. Only a fool would want to have their body start to rot. That part of the body has to have an operation. The doctors amputate that part of the body. It mainly starts from the toes because it is at the bottom of your body.  Eating junk food can lead to obesity which means being very fat. Junk food has lacks of vitamins and fibra. Although you get full you get tired very quickly.

One of the reasons as to why we chose junk food over healthy food is because it saves us money. Here are two reasons why people make junk food cheap. Firstly, they put it on a low price because they want you to buy it, and because it’s high in salt and sugar you’ll really like it. And you will buy more and more and more. Has that ever happened to you? Secondly they make more money when we keep on buying unhealthy food. So sometimes they make the price even lower. So we’ll buy that instead of buying what’s good and healthy for us

Junk food that contains meat has chemicals e.g. chicken nuggets have chemicals and you could  get sick. If you continue to eat you will get cancer and that can sometimes lead to death. Imagine dying just because you ate chicken nuggets. Would you like to die just because you ate chicken nuggets? Junk food might taste good but the ingredients have poor quality. Hamburgers have poor quality of meat used. You don’t know what could be inside it, and you don’t know which part of the cow used. People spend a lot of money buying hamburgers, and all kinds of things like that when they could make it at home. If you make it yourself you know what's in it and you get full quickly. Some fast food outlets have poor hygiene. They have food poisoning which makes you very, very sick.

The first point of entry is your mouth. Junk food comes in contact with your teeth too. High salt and sugar affects your teeth too. Your teeth start to rot. Problems get worse when you do not brush your teeth regularly. You should be brushing your teeth twice a day or after every meal.  When you have problems with your teeth you have to go to the dentist. You may not realise it but going to the dentist can cost quite a lot of money. That money that you use could have a better use like buying healthy food or paying bills.

These are all my reasons as to  why we should not eat junk. I hope you remember what junk food can do next time when you eat something unhealthy.

narrative writing

                                                           Narrative writing
                                                                The future

It was 8:25 am on an amazing winter Monday in New York. Surprisingly the sun was shining brightly like it was summer and their wasn’t a cloud in sight. It felt like it was a warm spring afternoon instead of a winter morning.

Emma, Emily and Ellie are identical triplets. But everyone at school calls them the three E’s because all of their names start with the letter E. Emma is the rebel, she is fearless, but she also has a big heart. Emily is the shy triplet, she is shy and sweet. Ellie is the loud triplet, she is cheerful and loves to help others. The only things Emma, Emily and Ellie have in common are that they look the same, they would do anything for their friend and they all have a big heart.

Everyone at school seemed to be having an amazing day, they were all talking about how great the weather was, how great their day had been and how nice their teachers had been to them. Everyone except for the Taylor triplets. Emma, Emily and Ellie were having the worst day ever. They all slept in and they had been late for school. Emma got detention for not completing her homework. Emily got detention for not bringing her homework in. Ellie got detention for talking during class. It was even worse because everyone was talking about how great the day was and that made them get even madder.

As they walked into detention,  they scowled and growled. Even cheerful Ellie was in a bad mood.  Mrs S, the teacher who was was doing detention that day was happily reading a book called “Tips on organising your bookshelf to look exactly like people 101,” That made the triplets even more annoyed and mad because everyone seemed to be having an amazing day except for them. They walked over to the desks and waited for the Mrs S to look up from her book and notice them. After a four minutes,  the triplets just got tired of waiting for Mrs S. Emma yelled “hello Mrs S we are here for our detention!” “Shush” Emily whispered “I don’t want a week of detention I already ruined my reputation” “Whatever” Emma said. “ What are your guys talking about?” Ellie asked. “Shush Ellie” Emma and Emily said at the same time. Surprisingly Mrs S didn’t look up she just kept reading her book.

By the time the time Mrs S finally looked up from her book, the triplets had changed the time on the clock, crossed out their names on the detention sheet and were just about to leave. “What  are you three E’s doing in detention?” Mrs S asked. “Um Miss R asked if Emily could get some very important papers from your desk, and Ellie and I decided we should come with Emily” Emma said. “Okay” Mrs S replied. “Hey girls do you know who’s got detention today?” “I don’t think anybody's got detention today” Ellie said. Wow! Mrs S exclaimed I think that's the first time for a long time that no one has got detention. “Well we don’t want to bother you since you really seem to like your book” Ellie said. “Bye” Emma said. They ran out of the classroom and out of the school.

“Phew” Emily said. “Yeah I was worried that the teacher would catch us and we would have detention for the rest of our lives in high school and this is only our second year” Ellie said. “I think we should probably get out of here before Mrs S checks the security camera” Emma said. “There was a security camera in there” Emily whispered, she started to look pale. “Yeah duh, didn’t you know” Emma said. “Um” I don’t think she knew that” Ellie said guiltily.

As they walk home Emma noticed a new statue blocking the path way. “Hey why is there a statue over there and why does it look like an imaginary land filled with unicorns, rainbows and fairies?” Ellie asked. They waited for Emily to talk about it but she didn’t it seemed like she was even there. “Where's Emily?” Emma asked. “Umm Emma look over there” Ellie told her. Emma looked at where her sister was pointing. “Hey there Emily” Emma said. “Emily” Emma called out. But her sister just kept walking it seemed like she couldn’t hear them but she was just a few feet away. Emily ran into one of the mirrors. Emma and Ellie expected her to crash and get hurt but she somehow went through the mirror.

“Umm where did Emily go” Ellie asked. “I think it’s a portal” Emma said. “To where” Ellie said worriedly, “I don’t know but we have to follow” Emma said. “How do we get back?” “What if we never get back Ellie began with her questions. “I don’t know, but all I know right now is that we have to get Emily back Emma said determinedly. She took a deep breath and calmly walked through the portal. Ellie sighed and followed Emma since really she had no choice. Ellie closed her eyes and ran into the portal.

When Ellie opened her eyes she was in a completely different world. There were these computer chips all over something that was supposed to look grass instead of the beautiful flowers and trees. Instead of the white apartments, that used to be on the streets there were huge mansions that were the size of a castle. The only thought that came into her mind was that she would have loved to live in one of those mansions. “This is no time for daydreams Ellie I have to find Emma and Emily” Ellie told herself. Just then she spotted Emma and Emily. She ran up to them. “Has Emily turned back to normal?” Ellie asked. Emma nodded. She went back to normal as soon as she entered the portal.

“Do you know how to get back?” Ellie asked. “No when I looked back I saw nothing” Emma replied. “Great we're stuck in the future” Emma said sarcastically. “I’m pretty sure that this is another planet” Ellie said. “Umm I agree with Emma” Emily said. “Give me one good reason why you think that this is the future” Ellie said a bit angrily since Emily always agreed with her. Emma rolled her eyes. “Maybe it’s because it says 2025 in huge letters on that building” she said. Ellie rolled her eyes.

“What happened to the sweet Ellie, that never used to roll her eyes Emily whispered in Emma’s ear. “I have no idea” Emma whispered back. “Aren’t you going to help me find a way to get home” Ellie said. “Ellie snapped out of it” Emma said. “No I won’t” she replied. “Well why not” Emily said. “Because I have huge plans Ellie said. “Great Ellie’s acting like a diva Emily said. I've got this Emma said. Then she clapped three times. Ellie went to sleep. Emma clapped again and Ellie woke up. “Where were you guys, I have tons to tell you. “And the old Ellie is back” Emily cried. “Wait a second how did you do that” Emily said. “My friend taught me, it can be very handy”. “Okay now we have to find a way to get home”.

A few hours later,  the triplets came across a building that read do you have a problem? “Maybe if we could find someone to help us in here” Emily said. “What are we going to say we walked into a portal and somehow we got here” Emma said. “I agree with Emily, it’s better to find someone that knows about this than walking around hoping for a miracle” Ellie said. “Fine” Emma said stubbornly. As they walked down the endless hallway they saw tons of pictures of flowers and animals.

“Why do they have pictures of animals and flowers?” Emma asked. “Probably to make people feel welcome” Emily replied. When the hallway finally ended the girls felt super tired. “Come on we have to find someone Emily said. After ten minutes of walking around they saw someone or three people. The triplets couldn’t see there faces but they looked very familiar. “Do you know who that is?” Emma asked. “No but she looks super familiar” Emily said. “Wait anything we do in the past affects the future right” Emily said. Ellie and Emma nodded. “So maybe there one of our friends, and I think we told them in the future what happened when we got stuck in the future” Emily said. “So?” Ellie said. “So maybe they know how to get back” Emily cried. Come on let's follow them.

After going through dozens of rooms they entered a tunnel. “How do people even get through these tunnels?” Ellie asked. “More importantly why would someone make tunnels here” Emma asked. “Shhh, do you want them to hear us?” Emily asked. A few minutes later they were at a dead end, but instead of turning around,  the three girls that they were following just waited. After a few seconds later the scanner scanned the three girls and the wall opened. “What are we going to do now?” Ellie said. “I have no idea” Emma replied. “Wait a second we think those girls are our friends in the future right?” Emily asked. Emma and Ellie nodded. “So maybe they have us on the scanner” Emily said. “Good idea, let's see what happens” Emma said. The girls stood where the girls had stood and waited for the scanner. When the scanner came it’s green light shone and the wall opened. As soon as they saw who was inside their jaws dropped.

It was Ellie, Emily and Emma in the future. Ellie squealed “OMG look three little versions of us” Ellie said. “Ellie look over there and see who else is in the room. “Who are you?” the future version of Emily asked. “Well I’m Emma Taylor, this is Ellie Taylor and this is Emily Taylor” Emily said. But that's us” the future version of Emma said. “We know, we went through this portal which brought us here and we're trying to find a way back” Emma said. “We thought you were one of our friends in the future and we thought that you could help us find a way back” Emily said. The other versions of them were quiet. “Do you know a way to get back?” Ellie asked.“Well we do have something that could help you” Emily number two. “A portal that helped us get back when we got stuck in the future too” Emma number two added.

“Where is it?” the normal Emma asked. “It’s over here” Ellie number two said and took out a huge boring, plain mirror with a black border. “All you need to do is walk through it and you’ll be home” Emily number two said. “Thanks for helping us” Emily said. “Why wouldn’t we help ourselves” Ellie said. Everyone giggled.”All you need to do, is walk through the mirror and say I want to go home” Emma number 2 said. “You also need to close your eyes” Ellie said. “When you open your eyes you’ll be outside that statue” Emily number two said. “How did you know that?” Ellie asked. “We’re the future version of you remember” Ellie number two said. “Come back soon” the future versions of them said. “We will” the normal versions of them said and with a flash they were gone.

“Ow couldn’t that have been a bit more comfortable” Emma said. “You should be glad we're home” Emily said. “I know but couldn’t that have a bit more comfortable” Emma said. “Yeah I agree with Emma that was very uncomfortable Ellie said. “I feel like I’m forgetting something” Emma said. “The security camera” Emily cried “we have to delete the footage before someone see’s it Emma said. “Actually it doesn’t really matter anymore” Emily said. “Are you sure?” Ellie asked. “Yeah I’m sure” Emily replied.

It was late at night when Emily and Ellie came into Emma’s room. After their long day they had wanted to talk about what had happened. “I can't believe we got stuck in the future” Emily cried. “I can” Ellie said. “Hey I know we don’t get along much but I just wanted to let you know that I’m glad we're triplets” Emma said. “Me too” Emily and Ellie said. They had a group hug and went back to their rooms, knowing that they would always need each other.